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[Zongzi Festival] Dragon Boat Festival "Bao Zong" Raiders...

Release date: 2019-06-07

Dragon Boat Festival(June 7-9)opening soon

Feeling excited after finishing today's class?

The sun is off the linethe high temperature is still thereand the thunderstorm is killing

This luxury fine version is not affected by the weather

Strategy for / Dragon / Boat / Festival

Quickly accept~

"Superman" is still performing missions in the park

// Don't miss the same frame as the idol~//

Participate in fan meeting and do "punch" tasks

You can also make dumplings together!
// NICE//

Bao Zongzi

Folding leaves, filling rice, stuffing meat
Wrap like this, wrap like that
Pull the line ~ Tighten

Actually, I don’t know
... ...
Zongzi crash course starts
"Qiao Shou Teacher" teaches you to make dumplings
Try it with Super Flying Hero